Chairman’s Message


I am greatly honoured to be elected as the Chairman of the Fire Division for the Session 2022/2023.  I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the Immediate Past Chairman Ir Prof Daniel LO for his excellent leadership displayed to the Division during the hardship of the COVID-19, and to extend my thankfulness to all the Committee Members for their devotion and continuous support to the Division.

Fire Engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to protect people and the environments from the destructive effects of fire and smoke, and provides an alternative solution to building design for ensuing the structure and its occupants are safe from the dangers of fire. It is a combination of innovative and performance-based design approach.

Over the years, our Fire Division serves as a platform to bring all engineers, professionals, regulators together for a common purpose of enhancing fire safety.  In the Session 2021/2022, despite the adverse impact of COVID, the Division could still organize a series of learned society activities, such as technical visits/talks, CPD training, Fire Engineering Excellence Award and Annual Symposium. These activities definitely enriched our professional fire engineering knowledge and promote fire safety in the community. 

Looking ahead, it will be the 15th Anniversary of the Division in 2023. We plan to explore and share remarkable knowledge and experience, and to attract more talent engineers to join our platform.  Firstly, we will strengthen our members and facilitate their development by providing them with valuable guidance, support and training to their profession. Secondly, we will continue organising technical activities such as seminars, visits and conferences in order to exchange the latest ideas and practice of the discipline. Last but not least, with the development of the Greater Bay Area and the Northern Metropolis Development in Hong Kong, we will communicate closely with the professionals and regulators to share their views of fire engineering approach, code requirements, fire safety management, etc. 

With yours continuous support and contributions to the Fire Division, I am fully confident that we can achieve a new milestone in the near future.  Thank you very much. 

Ir LEUNG Kwun-hong, Jeffrey


Fire Division

Session 2022-23